A Conversation for The New Decade

The problem doesn't end there...

Post 1

C Hawke

The problem doesn't end there, what about the next decade after the noughties?

The teenies? the teens? either way sounds like dodgy web pages for the over 18s or purile ones for the under 18s.

The problem only arises from the media demands to classify things.

I feel that the years 85-95 had more in common with each other than 80-90 or 90-99. But the media has to classify stuff in order to do retrospectives, and the fashion and music industry has to have eras in order to do revials.


The problem doesn't end there...

Post 2


I agree. The period most Americans associate with the "fifties" goes from about 55-65, and the "sixties" are 66-72. The "seventies" came around with the advent if disco, and they lasted well into the 80s. But I believe that each year in the new decade should be called "ought 2" or "ought 3". THat's just fun.

The problem doesn't end there...

Post 3


I must admit, I kinda like "ought 2"!

The problem doesn't end there...

Post 4


This is great Bubster - I am pleased that the Fringe drew my attention to it... It proves it works!

smiley - smiley

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