A Conversation for Talking Point: Your Hidden Talents
Vestboy Started conversation Jul 3, 2008
I can write upside down and or mirror fashion.
I can also do this on an Etch-a-Sketch.
I think I can still do it blindfolded on an etch-a-sketch but I haven't for a long time.
Icy North Posted Jul 3, 2008
Hey Vestboy - I could write mirror-writing on an Etch-a-Sketch!
I never wrote upside down, though.
Like you I haven't tried it for years.
Icy North Posted Jul 3, 2008
Hey, it would be a neat trick to do at a seance. Switch the lights out, then grab the etch a sketch and write something spooky...
Vestboy Posted Jul 4, 2008
I find turning the screen upside down to read it frightens people at work.
Icy North Posted Jul 4, 2008
I just do a headstand on the desk. Nobody seems to notice. They all think I'm a high-flyer.
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