Talking Point: Your Hidden Talents

3 Conversations

Les Dawson demonstrates his skill at gurning.

Have you got a deep, dark secret that you're longing to share? There's no need to feel anxious, we're not asking you to discuss those furtive afternoons spent (with the curtains closed) watching Rosemary and Thyme, or that you finished off the milk and didn't buy some more.

We're talking about those hidden talents that even people who know you well are probably unaware of; we're talking balancing spoons on noses, rolling tongues, Tom Jones impersonations and bending your thumb back to touch your wrist! It's time to speak out, be proud of your quirky skills and share them with the world!

  • Tell us about your hidden talent!

  • What's the most surprising hidden talent you've come across?

  • Have you come across a hidden talent that was best kept hidden?

  • Is there an unusual talent that you wish you could master?

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