A Conversation for Talking Point: Classic TV Revivals


Post 1

Researcher U1025853

We want the tripods, even a repeat would be something, but a re-make would be better.

What about some of the old animations updated as well? Fraggle Rock, Moomins and that one with the soup dragon. But then look how they ruined Garfield, perhaps some shows should be left alone.

The new Dr Who is great, I like old ideas but deteste old scenery. Christopher has brought back the energy and manicness of Tom Baker, which is to be welcomed. Although he could have been a bit quicker to save Jabe in the last episode.

Quatermass was also good, it was fun seeing live tv and thinking that it was all going on at the same time as us watching it. David Tennant in yet another guise, and Jason Flemyng as Quatermass were great. We saw only one fluffed line that I remember, yet that was essential, it would be no fun on live tv if there were no mistakes!

I would love to see the cast do another prog where they talk about their experience of doing Quatermass.

I wish the last series of Babylon 5 would be re-done the way it was supposed to, the money people mucked that one up. Sometimes a show has to know when to finish as well, such as Star Gate. I wish we had Buffy and Spike back though, or a spin-off about Spike. The re-make of Dune was fantastic, well worth the effort, I hope they continue with the remakes and continue with the third book.

Thats all for now, I'll come back with more ideas, oh and I reackon my husband would say Blake 7 and I would second that. If I have to watch it again, at least get some actors in it this time and a new set.smiley - winkeye

Oh and what about the Q series remade by Eddie Izzard. I have seen clips but never a whole programme for obvious reasons. Oh and if the Goodies came back and did a once off that would be cool!

I really have to go now!smiley - run

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