A Conversation for Talking Point: Classic TV Revivals

Dungeons and Dragons

Post 1

Dea.. - call me Mrs B!

Bring back the Dungeons and Dragons cartoon! Uni the unicorn was the sweetest thing ever and I had a teacher at school who sounded just like the Dungeon Master! And I really wanted an invisibility cloak!

I used to have a huge crush on Hank!smiley - love

And on Prince Valiant!smiley - loveblush

And on Jason from Battle of the Planets!smiley - loveblush

Mmmmm, perhaps it's time I met real peoplesmiley - erm

Dungeons and Dragons

Post 2


smiley - biggrin I had a bit of a thing for Sheila, the one with the cloak and the pink mini dress and the thigh boots smiley - drool

erm... and Princess from Battle of the Planets

smiley - blush

Hello Deakie smiley - smiley I think i'm real..

smiley - rainbow Langly

Dungeons and Dragons

Post 3

Dea.. - call me Mrs B!

At least it's not just me then!smiley - biggrin

How ya doing, Langly?

I had a few moments of youthful angst over Lion-O of the Thundercats as well but that didn't last long! He's a bit too alien!!

Dungeons and Dragons

Post 4


Lovely to meet you Deakie *shakes hands* I'm not bad at all thanks. How the devil are you? smiley - smiley

Could never get into Thundercats for some reason. Maybe it made me think of Cats – The Musical every time I saw it smiley - biggrin

Didn't it always end with some sort of patronising "I learned something today..." speech by Lion-O straight to camera, a bit like He-Man did?

*wonders whether to mention his thing about She-Ra whilst we're talking about cartoon lurve*

smiley - laugh
smiley - rainbow Lx

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