A Conversation for Talking Point: Classic TV Revivals

Space ~ Above And Beyond

Post 1


Don't suppose it qualifies as a classic but i would have loved them to make a second series of this.
I thought it was seriosly underrated

Space ~ Above And Beyond

Post 2


It was an excellent show. Unfortunately, it had a story arc which meant the casual viewers will have turned off as they would not be able to keep up with the story.

I also believe it was given a rubbish time slot in the US and hence did not get the required fan base again.

Written by some of the guys who did The X-Files.

Space ~ Above And Beyond

Post 3


Yeah you'd have thought with that team behind it more people would've tuned in.
But most sci-fi seems to like each episode to be stand alone so that people could dip in and out and you're right with this one you had to watch every ep to keep up with the plot.

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