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It takes a thief.

Post 1


Late 1960 early 1970 Tv series, we only viewed two series of it, the third must have been a stinker. But the first shone brightly and I have writen a series of what could have been Alistair Monday's story as it was not eluded to. I titled it:
The Thief and the Countess
Fred Astaire played the character in the second series and had a feline fluid grace, so I have made the character a bit Mike Hammer, a little rougher round the edges, I envisioned Kevin Bacon playing it, Alexander Monday I could not envision as other than Robert Wagner but the one I wrote in the middle chapters was a 70's cold war warrior, Wagner might play the character he played in the show as an elderly Alexander, who looses his only son: Ambrose Monday/Leonardo di Caprio. Ambrose is not dead he is getting out from under the San Francisco Mafia. I have only writen up Alistair Monday who's story continues into the other two stories, I.E. his less than glamourous Gentleman thief past, his son gets involved with a Charlene Brown/Charlie Brown who unknowingly he committed incest with, plus his father is not pure blood, he is tainted with coloured blood, but I'm giving away the future unwriten on here chapters.
If you want to read it, this is where you will find it:

It takes a thief.

Post 2


Wrong numbers you can find the correct numbers bottom of my page to click upon, though I mention the source inspiration, it is the reason why I have spelt the name a little differently an why I have not continued with the future generation stories as I have not been given copyright to do so, I did submit it for reading by Robert Wagner in Hollywood but my MS returned to me, printed on the envelope was he had changed office address and they did not know where he presently was, i have not tried another submission if I did I would want to rework on the two latter stories, the second story Alexander is made a cripple by the KGB, and he becomes a C.I.A. instructor, there he meets his future wife, that is part of this story how women from Anastasia, Ambrose's grandmother though a French underground war leader, his father leaves behind in France wnen he goes on a Nazi hunt, Alex's mother is only an anlysist, Ambrose's life partner is the misstress of a Mafia boss, but they work together, Ambrose is not a free agent, or would not be if I had taken the story that far.

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