A Conversation for Talking Point: Classic TV Revivals

Charlie's Angels

Post 1

I'm not really here

I'd bring that back! I used to love that. And unlike stupid Drew I'd let them keep their guns! smiley - grr I refused to watch the films, as despite saying she didn't want to interfere with any of their iconic images (or whatever) she took the guns away! For my dog's sake, the guns were part of the silhouette that introduced the whole thing. She just got caught up in the fashion for people kicking each other instead.

Look at this - http://images-eu.amazon.com/images/P/B000059513.03.LZZZZZZZ.jpg boring! Just some women standing about, they could be waiting for a bus (or even waiting to earn a few bob in a dark alley)! And then look at this - http://www.thedigitalbits.com/articles/miscgfx/covers3/charliesangelss2dvd.jpg
Scary women, ready for action and to go and kick bad-guy butt!!

The net is full of photos of people doing the 'holding hands at arms length making gun shapes with pointy fingers' stance. You don't see people hanging around trying to look like they're waiting for a smiley - bus. Bloody hell it makes me baity, this was my favourite programme. I even had a Farah Fawcett cat suit thing with her picture on it.

And I quite liked Wonder Woman, so bring back more Girl Power heros! And less of the rubbish 'Charmed' nonsense.

Charlie's Angels

Post 2


I totally agree - bring back Wonder Woman!

I loved all the proper super hero programmes when I was a kid, and Wonder Woman was my hero! Beautiful, intelligent and strong, what more could a girl aspire to be? One thing I always wondered is where her handbag went when she "spun" into WW. It didn't occur to me to ask where the rest of hers clothes went, just her handbag!
smiley - magic

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