Joanna's list of things to do
Created | Updated Feb 23, 2005
This is my list...
...of h2g2 things to do. If you have any suggestions of things you think I should do leave me a message and I'll add them to the list. The same goes for if you have any thought about how to complete any of the items on the list.
- Finish the Mayan Calendar System entry. done that now
- Finish the Fletcher Moss Gardens entry. -when I get back to Manchester
- Write the Rutherford Scattering entry. in progress...
- Decide if its possible to finish/rewrite the Electromagnetic Spectrum entry.
- Decide if its possible to make sense of the Stellar Magnitude System entry, and if it should be submitted. done that now
- Finish the Scale entry. done that now
- Finish the Dido and Aeneas entry. done that now, pretty much...
- Add the last picture to the h2g2 Playground entry. done that now
- Finish the Precession of the Earth on its Axis entry. in progress...
- Find out who will write the rest of the solar system entries- if the answer is Joanna start writing Neptune.done that now, pretty much...
- Update the specialised words entry. done that now
*looks a little brighter* 7ish down...