Haiku Corner
Created | Updated Mar 10, 2005

Farewell ancient Mulberry,
Red, lonely tree.
Pondering, grey and green.
Frail lillies,
Shimmering reeds.
Icy waterfall, red moon.
Morning rest.
Fled on hot stone wings,
against a bold, leafless gale.
Empty, weary laugh.
January's withered hedge,
wrinkled wood for their
shimmering green grave.
A wandering heron,
swift evening steps,
rippling muddy puddles.
Smiling lover,
smooth naked feet.
Pure, trembling shrine.
A high shining peak.
December's futile warriors
tempt weeping stone youths,
flooded with doubt.
An orchid's whirling fragrance,
or weak splash of foot.
The Samurai’s friend.
Weave silent path,
grief soaring into evening,
a disappearing tide.
Swift of wing,
dawn's gliding owl
appears more like shade
empty on the breeze.
In heaven's indigo light,
silent knells echo
a silver lament.
Under a screaming star,
night poppies emerge
to follow a chill touch.