A Conversation for h2g2 London Summer Meet 2005 - Sat 16 July!

fords's afternoon activity suggestion

Post 21


why would i care?smiley - tongueout..im not going though..

fords's afternoon activity suggestion

Post 22

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I want to go to Badgerworld!

fords's afternoon activity suggestion

Post 23

Mu Beta

The Badger and Albert Museum!

The Millennium Badger!

Madame Tussauds Badgerworks!

So much to do, so little time...

(Number Six: It's a Genesis thing, apparently)


fords's afternoon activity suggestion

Post 24

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

The imperial badger musseum. smiley - evilgrin The badgertarium.
The natural badger musseum.

smiley - ermsmiley - panda

fords's afternoon activity suggestion

Post 25


Did we ever get round to making a decision on this?

i.e should I/ we be booking tickets?

fords's afternoon activity suggestion

Post 26

Zak T Duck

Mines booked smiley - smiley

fords's afternoon activity suggestion

Post 27

Mu Beta

Yikes! I don't need to book tickets for the pub, do I?


fords's afternoon activity suggestion

Post 28

Zak T Duck

Ho yus! smiley - evilgrin

fords's afternoon activity suggestion

Post 29

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)


2legs, if you're around (and let's face it, you usually are!) maybe you could add this to the meet page as a suggested afternoon activity:


We're aiming for the 3pm show. smiley - ok

fords's afternoon activity suggestion

Post 30

Zak T Duck

And it's worth noting that it's a ticket event and they're about £8 a go plus booking fee.

fords's afternoon activity suggestion

Post 31


RF and LS booked

(so he says....)

fords's afternoon activity suggestion

Post 32


This is tempting. It would encourage me to put in an earlier appearance than my traditional quarter past seven in the evening arrival time at London meets.

I'll have a think and let you know.

fords's afternoon activity suggestion

Post 33

Mu Beta

"my traditional quarter past seven in the evening arrival time at London meets."

Better than you managed at Birmingham...


fords's afternoon activity suggestion

Post 34

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I arrive at Kings Cross around 1pm so I'm hopeful I can make it to the 3pm show.

How does one book one's ticket thensmiley - tongueout
I can see a "general enquiries" phone line...Minicom Line...smiley - ermno "book here" to clicksmiley - cry

smiley - grovel

fords's afternoon activity suggestion

Post 35

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I've found the phone number smiley - yikesyou mean I've got to go through an automated thingy?smiley - yikes

smiley - wah

smiley - runfor another smiley - tea

fords's afternoon activity suggestion

Post 36

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Please ignore all of the above.

Managed to book online, *mops brow* even got the disabled carer's rate, £1 off.

Does anyone remember the Star Trek exhibition we went to in Manchester, I told the woman on the desk that I was a carer and she let me in free. Then she asked how many was in my group, and she let them all in on concession.smiley - smiley

smiley - cheers

So, we're meeting at the Science Museum, nearest Tube station South Kensington, about 2-30-2.45?

Anyone fancy meeting me at Kings Cross? Going to book my train ticket today, so will know ETA later smiley - biggrin

*getting excited now*

fords's afternoon activity suggestion

Post 37


Just sorted out my ticket smiley - magicsmiley - towel

fords's afternoon activity suggestion

Post 38

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - biggrin

Got my ticket changedsmiley - ermcouldn't have the carer rate as not taking the person I care forsmiley - erm

smiley - doh

I'm getting the 9.30am train from Cleethorpes.
ETA Kings Cross approx. 1pm.

Anyone likely to be around at that time?

fords's afternoon activity suggestion

Post 39


I should be able to detour via Kings Cross GB smiley - smiley

fords's afternoon activity suggestion

Post 40


oh good saves me poking yousmiley - winkeye

ill be meeting 2legs at kings x but not till about 330

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