A Conversation for Slayerville

Test Your Buffyness

Post 21

Otus Nycteus

That was Riff Regan. Now can I ask the next question? smiley - smiley

Test Your Buffyness

Post 22

Carlyle Ferris

I have to agree on Riff Regan, even though I saw the answer before I saw the question because I have a copy of the pilot program, and what a different show it would have been without Alyson Hannigan! There was nothing wrong with Riff Regan's performance but there was nothing different about it either. She was just playing the standard dramatic sounding board part... The rock that directs the riccochet. After you see Willow in the Bronze talking about Xander breaking her Barbie you know that there is something special happening. Add to that the scene of SMG in Principal Fluties Office and you can see why Buffy was so brilliant.

Sorry, bias talking, Carlyle

Test Your Buffyness

Post 23


Doc, I have to admit to a little bias there myself, what an entirely different show it would have been without Aly. I mean, I just caouldn't imagine Riff pulling off Vampire Willow for one.

Okay Night_Owl, go for the next one then, your pretty much uncatchable on points anyway.

smiley - biggrin Xander

Test Your Buffyness

Post 24


Okay, lets change the rules a little, to give everyone a chance to have a go. Quite simply, the first person to get the answer posts the next question.

Before Anya became a vengeance demon, what was her human name?

smiley - biggrin Xander

Test Your Buffyness

Post 25

Otus Nycteus

Really, do I have to answer every question before I finally get a chance to ask one? smiley - winkeye Anya's human name was Aud.

Test Your Buffyness

Post 26


I've sent you two messages with regards to that very subject.

Test Your Buffyness

Post 27

Otus Nycteus

smiley - sorry, only read them after this post.

Okay then, a question.

Which two actors (there may be more, I'm sure of these two) who played regular or recurring characters in famous 1980s cop show Hill Street Blues also starred in Buffy? (A regular is one that's in the title sequence and is on - almost - every episode, a recurring character guests in several episodes. In Buffy terms: SMG is a regular, Armin Shimerman - Snyder - had a recurring role.)

Good luck!

Test Your Buffyness

Post 28

Carlyle Ferris

The only two that I am aware of are Lindsey Crouse who played Kate McBride and Mark Metcalf who was Officer Harris. I think he was designated as guest and not recurring though.

Test Your Buffyness

Post 29

Otus Nycteus

One out of two, dear doctor. Lindsey Crouse is right, the other one is one of the HSB regulars: Michael Warren, who played Bobby Hill, guest starred as the unnamed doctor in Normal Again. I didn't know about Mark Metcalf, though. I'd say it's your turn to come up with a poser!

Nite Owl

Test Your Buffyness

Post 30

Carlyle Ferris

I am going to ask two questions, one easy and one for the technocrats.

One of the girls in Buffy was told to dye her hair from brunette to Blond and another was asked to go from her natural blond to brunette. Which two?

Four sounds are combined to create the noise of a vampire dusting: 1. A "whoosh-by" 2. A flame thrower burst. Name the other two. Good guesses are acceptable!


Test Your Buffyness

Post 31

Carlyle Ferris

What? No takers...

Test Your Buffyness

Post 32

Staker Boi

I really have no idea, but here are my guesses:

1. A person breathing heavily into a microphone?

2. A hairdryer?

3. Erm....a hosepipe being turned on?

Told you I had no idea.......... smiley - headhurts

Test Your Buffyness

Post 33

Carlyle Ferris

The four sounds were:

A reverse scream
A whoosh by
An Animal growl
A flame thrower burst.

I win...Your turn


Test Your Buffyness

Post 34

Staker Boi

Interesting list of noises there.....

Um....probably an easy one this, but:

Can you name (without looking at reference books/web and such like*) five regular or regular guest actors/actresses whose forename and surname start with the same letter?

*I trust you implicitly, of course smiley - winkeye

Test Your Buffyness

Post 35

Ava Vargas

You are very, very wise. Now gimme, gimme gimme the answer to the hair-dying question, 'cause I feel an attack of dumb blonde coming on.

Test Your Buffyness

Post 36

Carlyle Ferris

Sorry! The answer to that one was our very own SMG who has most of us know is a natural Brunette. The not so well known one is Elizabeth Anne Allen who is a natural blonde.
How do I know this? In her character bio in the Watchers Guide Vol 2 and I quote" ...You go from eighties to seventies hair, and from red to dark to my natural colour, which is blonde, so it's very odd."

Test Your Buffyness

Post 37

Otus Nycteus

Apparently it's true what they say, Ava: Dumb blonde minds think alike. smiley - winkeye I was about to demand that answer from our esteemed doctor, too...

Okay, since no-one has had a go at Staker Boi's question: I can think of four names (yes, without cheating), so whoever knows a fifth can claim an easy victory. smiley - smiley

Amy Acker (Fred)
Charisma Carpenter (Cordelia)
Mercedes McNabb (Harmony)
Marc Metcalf (the Master)

Now, if anyone can put me out of my "I'll probably slap myself silly if they tell me that fifth name"-misery, please...

Test Your Buffyness

Post 38


I only got 3 - 2 of which Nite_Owl got: Charisma Carpenter and Mark Metcalf (incidentally, didn't know Angel characters counted).

Incidentally again, my 3rd, so as to give you that elusive 5th NIte_Owl, was Fab Fillipo, who played Scott Hope (I think that's right, isn't it?).

Test Your Buffyness

Post 39

Staker Boi

Well done people. I should have stated that I meant Buffy and not Angel characters, but kudos to Nite_Owl for naming Amy Acker anyway. Bud - Fab Filippo was one of the ones I was thinking of so have a chunk of kudos too. The only other one I could come up with was Ethan Erickson who played Percy.

Now one of you can perhaps pose a question........

Test Your Buffyness

Post 40

Otus Nycteus

It's all yours, Bud!

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