A Conversation for Slayerville

Test Your Buffyness

Post 41

Carlyle Ferris

Hereis a nice tough one.

There are clues to 16 Buffy TV actors and actresses hidden in this paragraph. No one appears twice. Two of them only appeared once in Buffy but were a central part of their episodes. Highest score wins.

"The spy drove her car beyond city limits and buried the cool money six feet under the ground. She had escaped a fate totally worse than death. Austin Powers bore a grudge against her. Silent lies had been spread along the malibu shores and her first daughter had been kidnapped and all serenity was lost. Now she had to take a chance on getting her daughter back by ringing Beverley Hills 90210 and hoping she would be saved by the bell.She was the soul survivor of the horror show that took place on these rocky shores."


Test Your Buffyness

Post 42


Alyson Hannigan (Beyond City Limits)
Alexis Denisof (Beyond City Limits)
James Marsters (Cool Money)
Seth Green (Austin Powers)
Sarah Michelle Gellar (The Grudge)
Amber Benson (Chance)
Eliza Dushku (Soul Survivors)
Anthony Head (Rocky Horror)
Nathan Fillian (Serenity)
Scott Torrence* (Six Feet Under)
Elizabeth Anne Allen (Silent Lies)
Charisma Carpenter (Malibu Shores)
Tom Lenk (Six Feet Under)
K. D. Aubert (Kidnapped)
Bianca Lawson (Saved By The Bell, The New Class)
Pat Crawford Brown* (Beverley Hills 90210)

*The two that only appeared once.

Very testing, but we enjoyed it. Black Eyed says hi! and says it was easy.

smiley - biggrin Xander

Test Your Buffyness

Post 43

Carlyle Ferris

Sorry, you have Six feet under and beyond city limits twice. Can't allow that. There are two more clues. You could also have had Eric Balfour[Jesse] for 6FU and Robia La Morte for 90210.
And tell Black Eyes that Chickens should not be counted til the fat lady sings. [mix your metaphors much!]


Test Your Buffyness

Post 44


okay then, we misunderstood the meaning of 'Does not appear twice', so we went back to it and came up with.

Julie Benz- A Fate Totally Worse Than Death
Marc Blucas- First Daughter

And Black Eyes replies with 1smiley - chick 2smiley - chick 3smiley - chick etc. and
smiley - musicalnotesmiley - musicalnotesmiley - musicalnote but not so much with the fat, lol!

smiley - biggrin Xander

Test Your Buffyness

Post 45

Carlyle Ferris

OK, sound of celestial voices and clucking in the background. My instruction was a case of trying to use one sentence instead of two. All correct! [ But...being the devious kind of person that I am, I put in a spare one as a tie breaker, just in case too many people got the right answer...

Test Your Buffyness

Post 46

Ava Vargas

Am I pushing the punning when I say it's dawning on me that poor little Harriet the spy is being overlooked?

Test Your Buffyness

Post 47

Carlyle Ferris

Spot on target, Ava. All my best work, solved in seconds!


Test Your Buffyness

Post 48


Something a little different, some anagrams!

Teach pk
Nick the cop
three kill mine
nanny I nags halo
Boo! tire alarm
Ben means bro

smiley - biggrin Xander

Test Your Buffyness

Post 49

Otus Nycteus


The Pack
The Killer In Me


Alyson Hannigan
Robia La Morte
Amber Benson

Never set an anagram challenge to a scrabble player! smiley - smiley

Okay, without cheating (as defined earlier by Staker Boi) this one might be difficult (or not):

Which 1998 mini series had D.B. Woodside and J. August Richards (both WITH hair smiley - winkeye) among its cast?

Test Your Buffyness

Post 50


Something just came to mind, I do remember reading somewhere that D.B. Woodside was in 'The Temptations', so for lack of any other answer I'm sticking with that.

smiley - biggrin Xander

Test Your Buffyness

Post 51

Otus Nycteus

Yep, that's right, and so was JAR. (I only knew that because it was on Dutch TV recently.) Your turn again, Xander.

Test Your Buffyness

Post 52


This one should be fairly easy for most of you.

Name the episodes and characters where they have met themselves?

smiley - biggrin Xander

Test Your Buffyness

Post 53

Carlyle Ferris

I can think of two: Willow in Doppelgangland and Xander in The Replacement. We could include Buffy meeting the Buffybot in Intervention.

So go on, brave Buffyites, tell me that there are another thirty that I could not think of!


Test Your Buffyness

Post 54

Staker Boi

I guess Spike met himself several times in Season 7 when The First was dressed up as him.

Test Your Buffyness

Post 55


Okay, they're all there, but one. When Buffy meets 'The First' Buffy in 'Chosen'.

smiley - biggrin Xander

Test Your Buffyness

Post 56

Carlyle Ferris

You got me there. I shall be forced to watch Chosen again, dammit!


Test Your Buffyness

Post 57


How will you manage? Is anyone going to come up with another question?

smiley - biggrin Xander

Test Your Buffyness

Post 58

Carlyle Ferris

Give the address and zip code of the following:

1. Buffy

2. The Magic Box.

3. Giles' Home.

ok, the zip might be a bit tricky!

Test Your Buffyness

Post 59


Are we aloud o use books on this one? 'Cause it's a little to much to remember.

smiley - biggrin Xander

Test Your Buffyness

Post 60

Carlyle Ferris

Any source that you need. We may have some slightly different answers depending on the source!


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