The h2g2 Poem

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Sniper Fire!

Stealthily and undetected

Creeping in the dark

Sights in on the unprotected

Making them his mark.

Sniper grins in satisfaction

As he drops another kill.

He craves the hunt, he craves the action

To him, it’s one big thrill.

His ammunition — others’ words —

Are easy to be found;

He picks them oh-so carefully

And chambers another round.

Eyes a-sparkle, anticipating,

Finger on the trigger

In conversation, he won’t be waiting

For explosions that are bigger.

Whether by his words or by his hand,

No matter it’s based on a lie,

No prisoners are left to stand.

He lets them squirm and die.

He depends on silence, vagueness, doubt

By twisting words, he’s so uncouth.

The only defence is to flush him out

By turning on the light of truth.

Confront him in the open ground

Until the whole world sees

And sighs relief at the final sound

Of his footsteps as he flees.

To bring his reign of terror to an end,

Causing a sniper to retreat...

Is to stand together against it, friend,

And that’s how he’ll be beat.

smiley - birosmiley - birosmiley - biro

Poetry by The Blue-eyed Bipedal Bookworm from Betelgeuse

Blue-Eyed BiPedal Bookworm from Betelgeuse

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