A Conversation for Talking Point: Grumbling
Don't Moan -DO something about it!
Moving On Started conversation Jun 13, 2008
What really really annoys me are the chronic moaners, whingers and grumblers
Why grumble for the sake of it?
If it can be altered, then alter it;
if it's something unalterable(like the weather or one's motherin law)then all the mumbling and moaning in the world isn't going to make a damned bit of difference...so save your breath. Get over yourself!
Who wants to hear a chronic low grade whinge from anyone, anyway, stating the in' obvious?
It's terribly boring,and just spreads gloom and irritation around indiscriminately, dragging everyone else down around you,surely?
I like the idea of having a healthy rant every so often; it clarifies what it *is that's giving a person the hump;
So they don't get mad, they get even instead.
Which is much more fun
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Don't Moan -DO something about it!
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