Talking Point: Grumbling

6 Conversations

Victor Meldrew.

When did you last have a good old grumble? Let's take a wild probably wasn't too long ago, was it? Perhaps it was when it started raining, or when your train/bus/tube/plane was running late. You may well have been trying to get through to a call centre for hours, or had to complain about rudeness and poor service.

Is it conceivable that you've caught yourself having a general whinge about how things were much better in the 'old days'? On that note, it could be that hearing other people moan is your main gripe!

Hopefully by now you're feeling suitably irritated, so arrange your face into your best Victor Meldrew expression and tell us what really gets your goat!

  • What really, really annoys you?

  • Do you think moaning is a good way to let off steam?

  • Or, does moaning have a negative impact on others?

  • Do you think people were happier in the 'good old days'? (And if so, when were they?!)

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