A Conversation for DD and Joanna's Campaign HQ

Any Questions

Post 41

Demon Drawer

I'm sure we have ample Donuts/Doughnuts to go around. smiley - winkeye

Any Questions

Post 42


I will inform the TowelMaster of that fact then!
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

Any Questions

Post 43


This ain't fair. DD's got a Donut seller as a vice. And Eomando is running for prezzy as well. All I can offer my supporters is a hefty bribe. When it comes to choosing between doughnuts and hefty bribes, H2G2 residents know what they want all right. And it isn't good news for me.

Joanna, will you willingly supply doughnuts to all H2G2 residents regardless of their political viewpoints, or are you going to restrict your distribution to supporters of DD's campaign? Because I feel that would be a violation of researcher's Donut Rights.

Any Questions

Post 44

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Excuse me, who said I was supporting DD? I have to remain impartial while I'm running the opinion poll at http://www.h2g2.com/A218819

Any Questions

Post 45


Incidently, does anyone who draws something become a drawer, and does that mean that they get doughnuts shoved down them?
And what about my sock drawer? When I want to put on a clean pair of socks, or a shirt etc. for a job interview, I don't want all my clothes covered in sugar and jam...

How do you solve this dilemma?

Any Questions

Post 46

Demon Drawer

In your case wouldn't there be a lot of Honey as well BB. smiley - winkeye

EV, how can a Scotsman run an unbiased opinion poll. smiley - winkeye Vote for my mates or else ye'll get a glascow kiss. smiley - smiley

Any Questions

Post 47

Demon Drawer

*Having visited the poll DD starts working on how to keep up his momentum*

Any Questions

Post 48


DD, I believe that you have not addressed BlueBottle's question.

How are you going to resolve the problem of messy sock drawers? Your response seems to indicate that the sock mess syndrome would be more of a crisis than BlueBottle had intimated. How will you resolve or prevent this crisis? I certainly hope that you are not planning to make everyone walk around with sugary, jammy, and honey-y socks...

And as for the bribery issue, I think that DD means that he and Joanna will give out the doughnuts/donuts once they win, if they do.

I have a few questions as well:

I have heard that you and your running mate do not actually live in the world of H2G2. Is this true, and, if so, how are you going to be able to address the issues of the residents if you do not experience them yourself? Are you going to have any biases for or against your country of residence when dealing with foreign affairs?

And, what kind of doughnuts/donuts do we get? smiley - smiley

Moj the Cat
(typed in by jrn from a note found in his H2G2 residence)

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