A Conversation for The Infinite smallness of the universe?


Post 1

Kain Brightblade

It is all in your perception of the thing. Yes the universe is infinitely small and large at the same time. It depends though on where you are in it! Your universe can be infinitely small while another person's universe is infinitely large. Yet another person can make their universe infinitely nonexistant, note insanity and suicide. My perception is anything is possible. Unless it is proven to me I cannot beleive it. Now no wise cracks about "How do you really know George Washington was the first president of the United States of America?" well if it is found in at least 3 books it is most likely true, but still can be wrong. Lies have been made about things and later fixed, note Vanilla Ice smiley - smiley . Also, the books I speak of must be a REFERENCE book or NONFICTION! Don't go telling me that everything in "the increasingly inaccurately named Hitchhiker's Trilogy" is true because there is 5 books. Although it has not been proven wrong has it? If you are confused then you might as well quit reading. If your not confused then you should quit reading anyway because this is the last sentence. (and that is proven) Realize that was a fragment. AGH! So it is false! Anything is possible like I said smiley - smiley . Also even proven facts can become false.

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