The Infinite smallness of the universe?
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
Anyway amateur as I am to the topic (I could be rehashing someones very intelligent's theory or giving my oversimpified amateur version) I was thinking.......(which is a novelity in itself for me). I digress......where was I oh yes, every one always talks about how infinity large the universe is. Surely the converse is then true, the universe must be infinity small. I think that is accepted by some?
Well then why in the world ( or should that be universe) are we looking for other life forms out there in the stars? Surely it is as liked for life to be found in the atoms of that piece of dead skin that fell off my brush this morning, as there is to be in Alpha Centauri galaxy?
So agent Mulder the truth may be out there or it may be in you!( I could go off on a very spiritual tangent at this point, about the ultimate truth really being in Man but I'll save that for later and stick to the physical world). Maybe it is not the extra-terrestrial who are the issue but inner-terrestrials? Maybe within the bits that make up atoms, there are the equivalent of galaxies and solar systems and planets and........yes LIFE!
So dear fellow Earthling maybe we should not onlt be sending messages into outer space in our quest to find other life but maybe we should also be sending messages into the atoms. The permutations that flow from this line of thought are , well infinite! For example what is the real effect of distroying an atom? In Hiroshima, did men just kill thousands of other men or even more? It is quite possible that it its infinite smallness that the distruction of an atom has no real effect......maybe those more knowledgeable then me would be able to answer.
Becareful! We could be watched from within!