The Station by Station Guide to the London Underground - Northern Line: Morden Branch

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This is the section of the Northern line which runs from where the Bank and Charing Cross branches have rejoined at Kennington down south to the terminus at Morden. The section between Kennington and Stockwell opened in December 1890 as part of the original City & South London Railway. The rest of the line towards Morden consists of extensions of this line, with the section between Stockwell and Clapham Common opening in June 1900, and the line finally reaching Morden on 13 September, 1926. For more details of the history of the Northern line, see the Northern Line: High Barnet and Bank Branches section of this guide. Due to the fact that many southbound Charing Cross branch trains terminate at Kennington, two out of every three trains on the Morden branch are heading to or from the Bank Branch. For this reason, it is advisable for those travelling towards stations on the Charing Cross branch to take the first train and change at Kennington if necessary, or to change at Stockwell for the Victoria line.


This station lies just off Park Road (A3) and just to the north of the point where the Northern line separates, despite the location of the station on some tube maps indicating otherwise. Most through trains from Stockwell run northwards towards Bank, and so passengers may need to change trains at Kennington for the Charing Cross branch. This is due to the fact that when the Charing Cross branch was extended to meet the other branch at Kennington in 1926, a loop was added at Kennington to allow trains heading south on the Charing Cross branch to turn back on themselves and head northwards again. Access to the platforms is via lifts and stairs, and the station has four platforms, one of which is usually used by trains from the Charing Cross branch terminating at the station. The surface building has had little work except for a refurbishment, and so it is the only surface building from the original line to remain unchanged. The Domesday book originally recorded the area as Chenintune which basically means the farm of Cena, and the name gradually evolved to Kennington.


This station lies to the southwest of a large road junction in Kennington, across the road from St Mark's Church. The station was rebuilt to provide escalators in the 1920s, and the original surface building was lost, replaced by a more modern building. Oval station's decorative tiling depicts cricketers in various stances, representing the stop's proximity to the Surrey CC Ground of the same name about 500 metres away. The station is also close to Kennington Park. Work began on a deep-level shelter at Oval for use during the Second World War, but it was never finished.


See the Victoria line section of the guide.

Clapham North

Known as Clapham Road until 1926, this station lies on Clapham High Street. The station entrance is near to Clapham High Street mainline station, which serves the Southern South London Line service between Victoria and London Bridge stations. The northbound trains here are so full during rush hour that it is virtually impossible to board one, and it can sometimes be quicker to walk to Brixton station, which is 10-15 minutes away. The surface building fits neatly on the corner of a crossroads, and has a simple, functional shape which is clad with white tiling. The station retains its original narrow island platform, which is accessed by escalators and steps, and also features a deep-level shelter used in the Second World War.

Clapham Common

This station lies to the northeast of the large Clapham Common on a tight triangular junction between Clapham Common South Side and The Pavement. The station building is entirely underground except for a domed entrance in the middle of the junction. There is also a subway entrance to the station from the other side of South Side road, and access to the platforms from the ticket hall is via an escalator and steps. As with Clapham North, this station still has its original island platform, and features a deep-level shelter used in the Second World War. The shelter has two entrances, both of which lie on Clapham Road northeast of the station. The area around the station is served by many bus routes, including those towards Clapham Junction. During rush hours, the station is very busy and it is often difficult to board northbound trains.

Clapham South

As with the other tube stations in Clapham, this station has a deep-level shelter which was used during the Second World War. The station's portland stone surface building was designed by Charles Holden, and is very similar to Clapham North, even though it was built 26 years later. The station sits at the junction between Balham Hill and Nightingale Lane, and faces northwards, providing those leaving the station with a pleasant view of nearby Clapham Common. Access to the platforms is via an escalator and steps. During rush hours, the station is very busy and it is often difficult to board northbound trains.


This station has two practically identical surface buildings, one on each side of Balham High Road, and access to the platforms is via an escalator and steps. The tube is only a short walk from the Balham mainline station platforms, which serves some Southern trains heading out of central London from Victoria via Clapham Junction. The mainline station is actually in the same building as the tube station - from the entrance you go up the stairs to get to the trains, and down the escalator to get to the tubes. The other Balham tube building is a short walk to the west of the mainline station. During rush hours, the station is very busy and it is often difficult to board northbound trains. The station opened on 6 December, 1926, a little later than the others on the Morden extension. The road above the tube platforms was hit by a bomb in October 1940, and the subsequent flooding caused by broken pipes and sewers led to over 60 deaths, with the line between Clapham and Tooting being closed until early 1941. The Balham area gets its name from the home of Bealga, a Saxon who once lived near here.

Tooting Bec

This station lies on the north side of the junction between the A261, Trinity Road and Tooting Bec, and was known as Trinity Road (Tooting Bec) until October 1950. In addition to the main entrance, which is similar to those at other stations on the Morden extension, the station also has a smaller satellite entrance on the east side of the junction. Access to the platforms is via an escalator and steps. Tooting Bec station provides convenient access to the famous local swimming pool, the Lido. Tooting was recorded as Totinge in 675. The name means the home of Tota’s people. From 1086 the land of one of the local manors was owned by the Abbey of St Mary of Bec so the name Tooting Bec came into existence.

Tooting Broadway

This station lies between Tooting High Street and Mitcham Road, but unlike the other stations on the Morden extension it has a large, sweeping surface building. The station's name comes from The Broadway, a small triangular area near the station. Due to the presence of a reversing siding at the station, trains often terminate here despite previously indicating otherwise. The station lies a short distance from St George's hospital, and is well served by local buses. Access to the platforms is via an escalator and steps.

Colliers Wood

This station lies at the corner of Christchurch Road, a short distance from Merton bus garage. The station is served by several local bus routes, and access to the platforms is via an escalator and steps. The station lies next to the A24, which is one of the major routes into London from the south and can become very busy during rush hours. The area's name comes from the Colliers, charcoal burners who worked nearby.

South Wimbledon

This station lies on the southeast corner of the junction between Morden Road and Merton High Street. The station is an 800m walk north of the Croydon Tramlink stop at South Morden, and the area around the station is also well served by the local bus routes. Access to the platforms is via an escalator and steps. Despite actually lying in the borough of Merton, the station was given its current name with the suffix (Merton) due to the argument that Wimbledon ranked higher in social standings. The suffix was eventually dropped. The Wimbledon area's name comes from the old English for ‘the hill where Winebeald lived’2.


As well as being the southern terminus of the Northern line, Morden is currently the southern-most station on the Underground, although this will change once the East London line extension reaches Croydon. Unlike the other far reaches of the network, the line at Morden has only just come out from under the ground, with the tunnel section between East Finchley and Morden (via Bank) being the longest on the Underground. The platforms at Morden lie in the open air, and access from London Road is via steps. The station was designed by Charles Holden and was originally built in the middle of the countryside, allowing room for a shopping parade and a large rail depot. Morden acts as a major interchange between buses and the tube, with many local bus routes stopping near the station. The area was originally recorded in the Domesday Book as Mordone, best interpreted as 'hill in the fens'.

1Known as Balham High Road to the north and Tooting Road to the south.2Winebeald was not one of the Wombles.

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