A Conversation for Platypus Dancing

the four seasons of California

Post 1

Sea Change

It's now mudslide season, and from the news every year of downward racing housing, I'd bet California domiciles excel at this kind of thing.smiley - smiley

smiley - popcorn

Geologists have supposed for about 20 years that the States coast is an agglomeration of supect terrains.smiley - biggrin

the four seasons of California

Post 2

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

The indigenous peoples (original tenants) didn't suspect a thing. They knew. smiley - yikes
Did you hear about the fault line that runs through Manhattan Island?

the four seasons of California

Post 3

Sea Change

Four years of Geology schooling, and if I ever came across this fact, it didn't stick. Has New York City ever had an earthquake? smiley - boing

the four seasons of California

Post 4

Tonsil Revenge (PG)


the four seasons of California

Post 5

Sea Change

Wow, that's a gruesome article! I didn't know about the 5 quakes. Experience in California shows that brick buildings collapse in a 6 unless they are reinforced. UCLA aimed to look all east-coast-y and ivy league, so many of it's buildings *look* like they're made of brick, but it is all facings. I'll bet that's not true of NYC.

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