A Conversation for R.E.B.E.L HQ

be a REBEL

Post 1


be a REBEL

Post 2

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

I Want To Join
Post: 5233

Posted Just Now by Reefgirl *ACE* (Pleased to meet you, hope you guessed my name, Keeper of Knitting Needles)
I'm the best at being 'Bad Guys'

I just wanted to test this and see if the infor I gave you was helpful as I'm not allowed to talk to you via clique

I'm impressed with the page, just one thing this line is very hard to read in brunel "Are you fed up with the clique?? Want to really hit them where it hurts?? Then join R.E.B.E.L!!!" sorry about using this thread

BTW the sign in thread doesnt take you here, you need to put "6457185" next to INREPLYTO

Just made a bit of a fool of myself smiley - blush

be a REBEL

Post 3

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Or it could be this one "574437", don't worry it took me time to get used to it

be a REBEL

Post 4


realizes what he's let himself in for...

oh dear i don't seem to be doing very well do i??

smiley - wah

i will update the page soonish - as soon as i work out what u said

be a REBEL

Post 5

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Ok let me know what you want and I'll help

be a REBEL

Post 6


i want to know if the "be a rebel" box works??

be a REBEL

Post 7

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Nope I'll make it up for you and post the link here, I'll have to make another join up thread tho

be a REBEL

Post 8

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

We're the best at being 'Bad Guys'

This should work with the new join up thread, you'd best subscribe to it

smiley - ok

be a REBEL

Post 9


do i have to make a new thread??

be a REBEL

Post 10

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

No I've done it, all you have to do is paste it onto the front page and change the wording of it if you want

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