4 Conversations

Go away , I know you are with the clique!! Admit it!! I know it's true... oh you're not? Then join us and DESTROY the Clique once and for all - don't worry, we're not going to hurt you if you don't decide RIGHT now...smiley - evilgrin

Bush House

As you walk into the building you see a large gray area with a desk in the middle.

On the wall behind the desk is a sign. It say:


(lovely, isn't it??)


This is the HQ of the clique's bitterest enemies. There is a history behind us but I haven't been bothered enough to put it on here - I will do that soon!!
Other things to do

Do you have an evil plot to destroy the clique, once and for all??

Then post it here!!. It will then be sen to the command room, where out leaders will sift through them - please only post the best plans otherwise we will be swampted!! Thanks!!

Right, now you are a fully fledged member of R.E.B.E.L. you can now go to the Clique Main Offices and spy out potential members AND get information vital to the destruction of the clique!!

Go on!! Go!! GO!!

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