A Conversation for Miracle or Coincidence? You Decide!

Peer Review: A3561004 - The Mysterious Caminha Cross

Post 1


Entry: The Mysterious Caminha Cross - A3561004
Author: Cadwallon - U1220673

The first hand account and discussion of a sequence of events that would have been described as miraculous in ancient times.

A3561004 - The Mysterious Caminha Cross

Post 2

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

Welcome to peer review.

This review forum is for entries intended to go in the Edited Guide, which is based on factual entries that meet the <./>writing-guidelines</.>

Your entry is suitable for another review forum for creative work and personal stories - 'the alternative writing workshop' which can be found at <./>writing-alternative</.>

Remove it from this forum by going to the peer review listing and clicking on the 'X' or 'remove' next to your entry listing. Then simply resubmit it choosing the alternative writing workshop smiley - ok

<./>thepost</.>, and the UnderGuide at A1103329 both select entries from there.

smiley - cheers


A3561004 - The Mysterious Caminha Cross

Post 3


They said no one would believe me.

smiley - wah

A3561004 - The Mysterious Caminha Cross

Post 4

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

smiley - laugh

I think it will get a great response in the AWW though! So don't be put off smiley - ok

A3561004 - The Mysterious Caminha Cross

Post 5


Ok, only kidding, thanks for the advice.

smiley - smiley

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