A Conversation for The Mundaneum - a Universal Catalogue of All the World's Knowledge

A35592122 - The Mundaneum - a Universal Catalogue of All the World's Knowledge

Post 21


>>it's *meant* to be a gratuitous use of hyperlinks<<

In that case you should add a preceding sentence saying that the following paragraph (the 1910 paragraph) shows how the equivalent of the card index system would be implemented with modern hyperlinking. This makes it clear to the reader why the paragraph is the way it is. The rest of the entry can then be linked normally.

A35592122 - The Mundaneum - a Universal Catalogue of All the World's Knowledge

Post 22

Malabarista - now with added pony

But at that point the reader won't yet know anything about any card system smiley - winkeye It's Art. smiley - artist

A35592122 - The Mundaneum - a Universal Catalogue of All the World's Knowledge

Post 23

Malabarista - now with added pony

[just wanted to add that I'll be putting in the codes for the special characters later on - I realise it has to be done, but it's easier to read while editing this way]

A35592122 - The Mundaneum - a Universal Catalogue of All the World's Knowledge

Post 24


>>But at that point the reader won't yet know anything about any card system<<

Then either:
a) reorganise the entry so they do, or
b) manically hyperlink a later paragraph to ilustrate the *Art*

A35592122 - The Mundaneum - a Universal Catalogue of All the World's Knowledge

Post 25


If it really needs clarification, a footnote *could* be added to elucidate. I didn't really feel that it was needed, though; the clue to the 1910 paragraph is right there in the title of the Entry - 'a Universal Catalogue of All the World's Knowledge'.

A35592122 - The Mundaneum - a Universal Catalogue of All the World's Knowledge

Post 26

Malabarista - now with added pony

I'll wait for a few more opinions smiley - zen Does anyone else think that the first paragraph (which, I agree, would be a crime in a normal entry smiley - winkeye) doesn't work for this particular one?

And just so this is here again:

Entry: The Mundaneum - a Universal Catalogue of All the World's Knowledge - A35592122
Author: Malabarista - U1528154

A35592122 - The Mundaneum - a Universal Catalogue of All the World's Knowledge

Post 27


I think it works, but I think the reason for it should be explained before you do it.

A35592122 - The Mundaneum - a Universal Catalogue of All the World's Knowledge

Post 28

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

your hyperlink goes to A14113919 which is King George VI, who ascended in 1936. Perhaps change your King George V link to A393879, (Queen Victoria's Children and the Royalty of Europe) - although George V wasn't Queen Victoria's child, but her grandson, so maybe that's a too-tenuous link. Either way, the George VI link needs to be gone from "King George V".
If you need a link, link to: http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/george_v_king.shtml

smiley - tea
When using adjoining links to adjoined words in the text, they shouldn't "touch" and the way to get around it is:
you will then have a gap between the two hyperlinks.

smiley - starsmiley - diva

A35592122 - The Mundaneum - a Universal Catalogue of All the World's Knowledge

Post 29

Malabarista - now with added pony

Thanks for spotting the wrong George smiley - online2long

And the formatting tip will be very helpful! smiley - biggrin

A35592122 - The Mundaneum - a Universal Catalogue of All the World's Knowledge

Post 30

pailaway - (an utterly gratuitous link in the evolutionary chain)

You know, regarding the first paragraph, it may only need a slightly different header, viz:

1910 - Watch This!

On account of all the reader really needs is tip that something's up with the paragraph and that they should go ahead and read it knowing that all will be made clear in due time.

just an idea smiley - smiley

A35592122 - The Mundaneum - a Universal Catalogue of All the World's Knowledge

Post 31

Malabarista - now with added pony

I've tried separating the hyperlinks, replaced the George V one, and added a footnote that might help.

Sensible, sparse links for the rest of the entry quite welcome, if you have any good ones smiley - winkeye

And does anything else need clarifying? For example, is the term "steampunk" well-known enough, or should I add a footnote?

A35592122 - The Mundaneum - a Universal Catalogue of All the World's Knowledge

Post 32

pailaway - (an utterly gratuitous link in the evolutionary chain)

The footnote seems a little stiff and formal to me - how about 'Paul Otlet would love this paragraph - read on.'

You know, or something like that.

A35592122 - The Mundaneum - a Universal Catalogue of All the World's Knowledge

Post 33

pailaway - (an utterly gratuitous link in the evolutionary chain)

Oh, and now that you mention it, I'm not familiar with 'steampunk'

is it like smiley - steam but with spiky hair?

A35592122 - The Mundaneum - a Universal Catalogue of All the World's Knowledge

Post 34

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - roflmy first thought exactlysmiley - biggrin

A35592122 - The Mundaneum - a Universal Catalogue of All the World's Knowledge

Post 35

Malabarista - now with added pony

But Otlet *wouldn't* love the paragraph - far too chaotic an disorganised, that's why it comes before any mention of them.

It seems I've not built up the dramaturgy well if nobody gets it smiley - laughsmiley - flustered May have to go rewrite.

And I'll explain steampunk, then smiley - winkeye

A35592122 - The Mundaneum - a Universal Catalogue of All the World's Knowledge

Post 36

Malabarista - now with added pony

Steampunk footnote added smiley - ok

A35592122 - The Mundaneum - a Universal Catalogue of All the World's Knowledge

Post 37

pailaway - (an utterly gratuitous link in the evolutionary chain)

That's an excellent explanation smiley - ok

It occurs to me that you could write an entry on steampunk
That way, a footnote to an entry could link to an entry about a footnote.

(I'm pretty sure it would cause readers to curse and recurse - which is reason enough)

A35592122 - The Mundaneum - a Universal Catalogue of All the World's Knowledge

Post 38

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - laugh Good idea - but we can only link to edited entries, so they couldn't link to eachother, anyway smiley - winkeye

A35592122 - The Mundaneum - a Universal Catalogue of All the World's Knowledge

Post 39

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

A Curator can cross link when they're both (all) editedsmiley - ok
You just have to provide the right encouragement, smiley - chocsmiley - cake works with me smiley - bigeyes

A35592122 - The Mundaneum - a Universal Catalogue of All the World's Knowledge

Post 40

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - dohsmiley - biggrinsmiley - eureka

I'll start stockpiling the smiley - choc right away smiley - winkeye

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