A Conversation for Missionary

the missionary

Post 1


Well Tibley

I liked this a lot, what is the intended home for this I think the Post woule be perfect.....

I realy like this smiley - applause

the missionary

Post 2

Tibley Bobley

Nice of you to say so Bob. Thank you very muchsmiley - smiley

It's at the 'work in progress' stage just now. I'm hoping to find time to finish it over the weekend. As you anticipate, I have it in mind to submit it to The Post when I'm satisfied with it. It'll be in a queue though. There are two or three others jostling and shuffling their way forward, that I think I've more or less finished and are ready to go.

Ever so glad you like so farsmiley - ok

the missionary

Post 3


I look forward to reading the finished peice smiley - smiley

the missionary

Post 4

Tibley Bobley

Reckon it's about done. Might need one or two tweaks. If you spot any omissions or errors, let me know.

Thank you very much.

smiley - smiley

the missionary

Post 5


No thats about It clever, dramitic, a good element of suspence, no that is about perfect.

Excellent well done smiley - magic I love it

smiley - smileysmiley - ok

the missionary

Post 6

Tibley Bobley

If you're happy with it, I'm happysmiley - magic

the missionary

Post 7


That is nice of you to say so smiley - hug

the missionary

Post 8

Tibley Bobley

Not that I'm not nice you understand (I might be, but it's hard for people to make impartial judgements about themselves), but I'd be happy to get some cheerful and friendly feedback even if I wasn't nicesmiley - laugh

Feedback, especially the positive variety, is jolly lovely. And it's not usually in abundant supply. The only place you can be pretty sure of getting comments or suggestions or a pat on the back is The Alternative Writing Workshop. That, of course is excellent. But that's about the only place where it's more or less guaranteed. A few of the stories that go into The Post stimulate comments. The ones that go onto the front page for the Underguide don't seem to get comments. The ones in Fiction Central don't get comments. It's impossible to tell whether anyone reads them if nobody mentions it. So, my happiness with and thanks for your very nice feedback are absolutely genuine.

As well as nice, I hopesmiley - smiley

the missionary

Post 9


And my cmments are genuine you have a telent that I envy and the work is excellent and thought provoking...

I love it smiley - hug
Thank you ....
smiley - smiley

the missionary

Post 10

Tibley Bobley

smiley - hug

smiley - smiley

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