A Conversation for Gymnastics


Post 1

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

If I weren't old and paunchy, I'd take it up myself!


Post 2

(Insanie) Zanie Janie

You're old and paunchy? Weird. I thought of you as... I don't know... looking like a spade, actually. Anyway, you'd get sweat - the punishment for being too active.


Post 3

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

If I had a spaceship, it would be spade-shaped. To me a spade is like a magic wand. There ought to be a puppet show (not a Japanimation! A sort of Bill-and-Ben meets Fireball XL5) about a space gardener roaring around the cosmos in his spade-ship. Can you dig it? Hehe.

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