Gymnastics is a sport which involves bending yourself into strange and painful shapes, attempting to defy gravity, chucking yourself at very hard things and zooming over them and somehow landing on your feet, walking along very narrow things and doing complicated and twisty things and flipping yourself around wooden rods. It sounds kind of inane, really. But it's a lot of fun. Although it is quite dangerous, I have been doing it for 12 whole years and never broken anything (well, bones that is. Glasses, yes. Tables, yes. But bones - never! Well - never my OWN bones, put it that way.) ever!
Probably gymnastics should be banned. As probably people have died doing it. But that's not surprising when you consider that they used to do it wearing nothing at all. Now, we wear little stretchy things called leotards. Which are, like, a HUGE improvement.
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