Did I Leave The Iron On?
Created | Updated Jan 13, 2005

Several A/K/A Random's 'sporting blues'
Hello again, any AmSports fans out there in Hootoo-Land!
If you're expecting any clear and concise breakdown of the past week's AmSports, you have, sadly, gotten the wrong connection, because I simply cannot find any cohesive 'theme' again this week.
As DNA's motto goes, 'Don't Panic' and I shall not.
This weekend's AmFoot has the Noo Yawk Jets at the Pittsburgh Squealers in the early game Saturday with the Atlanta Falcons hosting the St Louis Rams late that day. Yes, I recognize they are the Steelers, not the Squealers and they're favoured by nine points in the early line, but this is the primary game one would want to see. Can Pittsburgh ram its way past this second-round game? Does their rookie quarterback, Ben Roethlisberger (I love typing his name!) have the ability to help outscore the Jets? My guess would be the Squealers, but I'd hate to give points. St Louis at Atlanta, I don't even know. Depends on which football team shows up Saturday night.
Sunday we have the Minnesota Vikings at the Philadelphia Eagles early and the Indianapolis Colts at the New England Patriots in the the later game. Hummmmmph. These pose a problem. At present, Philly is favoured by nine-and-a-half and New England by two-and-a-half. I'm sorry, I don't take either of those bets. Philly and the Patriots SHOULD win, but I can't count the Vikes and Colts out, by a long shot. Good games to watch, which is what the second round of the playoffs ought to be.
I know I was gonna write something about corruption in college football for this week but it was evil and I deleted it. Something about teenagers with SUV's just didn't seem right to publish.
So this is seldom, a/k/a random and, if I leave the belfry tonight, I won't be back here until the afternoon, over and out.
Did I Leave The Iron On? Archive
Several a.k.a. Random
Master B