Ming's name; Where it came from and What it means...

4 Conversations

"Ming? What sort of a name is that?".

Well, it's totally meaningless (much like me) and it comes from a saying of mine which is also totally meaningless: Ming Mang. However, it has absolutely nothing to do with the fictional Emperor 'Ming the Merciless' in some book or other, the title of which, for the moment, I have forgotten. Also, my name has been NameRead by H2G2's resident NameReader Magnolia. Here's the analysis:

Ming Mang .... my first association is with the Far East -- I think of Ming vases and that makes me think of something precious, fragile and beautifully crafted. But the Mang suggests a quite different mood -- sort of playful -- maybe I've got "ping-pong" or "sing-song" associated with it. The combination suggests a playful person, with a fondness for words and sounds, but with a touch of something interesting and alien too. The different moods also suggest someone who might be quite changeable -- maybe very lively today and very sober and thoughtful tomorrow. Someone who likes to be a bit different to the crowd (the choice of unusual sounds rather than existing names or words), someone who likes to or wants to be
creative. But is also willing to accept some conventions, such as the use of capital letters at the beginnings of names. Perhaps a fondness of symmetry and sameness in separate things (after all, you could have chosen Ming-Ming or Sing-Sing instead of two similar but distinct words). The words are a bit like twins, so maybe you have a fondness or an association with twins somewhere in your life.

This is actually a pretty good summing up of my personality. I even have an association with some twins; two of my cousins are twins.

However, NameReading is not a character reading, just analysis of your UserName...so don't take it as such.

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