desert island

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A view of Macchu Picchu
A sun drenched island in the center of a sparkling blue oasis.
There are rolling fields of grass up to a high mountain on which there are some hot springs and perilous cliffs which overhang a coral reef.

Atop the mountain is a thick coat of snow it never melts or thaws and stays the purest of white.

Else where on the island is a deep woodland at its heart is a house made of living vine.
The Coral Reef – the shallow ocean near to the island contains a reef of red and pink corral,

The beach – sand and lots of it.

The Woods - Deep dark woods, full of trees and vegitation but completely silent normally.

The vine house – a house made of living vines, grows as the ages go onwards however is already the size of a well-proportioned manor, it has been here since the island existed. Curiously there is no one here to inhabit it, apparently. It sits in the middle of the Woods

The mountain hot springs – hot pools of volcanically heated water, nice and relaxing if you want to be cooked that is.

The mountain base - a gentile incline growing steadily steeper the higher you climb.

The mountain snowy peak – cold deep snow, pure white unadulterated snow, perfect for snowmen and freezing slowly.

The mountain caverns – cavers cut into the rocky overhang above the coral reefs, perilous to get to and even more difficult to get out. The rock is loose and can come away in the hands of an inexperienced climber plunging them to there doom in the reef.

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