A Conversation for H2G2 Lost And Found
Two-bit Gin Joint
fluffykerfuffle Posted Feb 25, 2008
. .. .she glances down at his hand, askance that she even still, after all that has been between them, is mesmerized by its... huge presence. .. .
"Oh..." grudgingly "Okay"
.. ... .turning and cradling that hand with one hand, she gently places the whistle in his palm and closes his fingers around it with her other. ... .
. ...smiles. .. .
"As Keeper, you are The One, but you will not be alone."
Two-bit Gin Joint
Aximili Posted Feb 25, 2008
*Silently, he slides the whistle onto a golden chain, then places it in her hand*
"A peace offering. It is enough for me to know that it is safe, and with someone who will not abuse the power it holds. Despite myself, despite everything you and I have been through, I know I can trust you."
Two-bit Gin Joint
Aximili Posted Feb 25, 2008
*He looks mildly amused, though it is hard to tell for certain under the hat*
If you enjoy the taste of horse urine, be my guest."
Two-bit Gin Joint
fluffykerfuffle Posted Feb 25, 2008
... . .uncharacteristically speechless for a moment.. . . .
. ... . . ... . .. . ... .. .
she finally regains her aplomb. .. ..
. ... . .. . .
"i guess this means i'm coming with you..."
Two-bit Gin Joint
fluffykerfuffle Posted Feb 25, 2008
"...and no thank you very much, i will stick to my gin and tonics!"
"Barkeep? A double of the same... I'll pay it again"
Two-bit Gin Joint
fluffykerfuffle Posted Feb 25, 2008
'you got it"
. ... .two fisted toast. ... .
.. . .downs one then the other. .. .
. ... silly grin. ...
. ... then, after managing to find the bar top and setting the two empties down and nodding to the barkeep for another round and oh, two too for my good ol' buddy here. ... .
. . ...arm slung sloppily around his neck. ... .
"i loves ya, man"
Two-bit Gin Joint
Aximili Posted Feb 26, 2008
*With a roll of the eyes, directed at his inebriated companion, the figure clicks his fingers. The room and it's occupants freeze. UHe takes the whistle from her unresisiting hand, peeps it twice and puts ut to her forehead. The smell of alcohol wafts as it's extracted from her bloodstream and sent into the atmosphere. Another click, and the room turms to normal, except for the now more noticeable smell of alcohol in the air*
"Come, there is much to be done before we leave this... place"
Two-bit Gin Joint
fluffykerfuffle Posted Feb 27, 2008
. ... eyes slowly focusing upon the whistle in his hand afore her face, she mumbles as in a dream. ... .
"Is this a whistle which I see before me, the mouthpiece toward my mouth? Come, let me blow thee:--"
. ... .she shakes her head in irritation at the nonsense she has uttered in her befuddlement and focuses, beyond the whistle, upon his glowering eyes. ... .
"What has transpired!?
What have you done!?
... . ..his last words finally finally rising to the surface of her consciousness.. .. .
"...What is this muchness that needs doing?"
Two-bit Gin Joint
fluffykerfuffle Posted Feb 27, 2008
. .. .taking the chain from him, she fumbles with the clasp whilst trying to put it on. ... .
"Help me with this."
Two-bit Gin Joint
fluffykerfuffle Posted Feb 29, 2008
. .. .getting no response, she turns and stares at empty space formerly occupied by him... . . .. ...and when i say 'empty' i mean empty. ... . ... .well, not entirely empty.. . . .there are a few stars in the far distance but up close it is a veritable void. ... .an ovoid void where he and the barstool he occupied were moments before... . .
"HEY!" . ..yells the barkeep. ... "WHERE'D HE GO OFF TO WITH MY BARSTOOL??!!"
Two-bit Gin Joint
Aximili Posted Feb 29, 2008
*In a flash of light, he returns, looking sitting there and finishing his drink like nothing happened. He looks at the startled faces*
*Are you two quite well? You look like you've seen a ghost@
Two-bit Gin Joint
fluffykerfuffle Posted Mar 2, 2008
"would t'were that it were true..." she muttered as she tried to get her dimly-lit-bar vision back "...at least a ghost wouldn't flash us!"
"so!" finally focusing on his smirking face "what do we have to do before we leave this... place?
and i," recommencing to fumble with the catch on the chain "still need help with this if you would be so kind."
"aaaaand ...where did you go off to, there? i didn't recognise that sector"
Two-bit Gin Joint
fluffykerfuffle Posted Mar 20, 2008
. ... .. ... .
. ... ... . . .
. .. . . .
Barkeep!? i need another gin and tonic... this time with a twist of lime please... and keep em coming...
Two-bit Gin Joint
fluffykerfuffle Posted Mar 24, 2008
. ... .starts thumbing thru the emoticons.. .. .. finds one she really really likes. .. . . surrounds it with space emoticons and puts it on the bar. ... .
Two-bit Gin Joint
fluffykerfuffle Posted Apr 6, 2008
... . .wonders if anyone got the punny joke about 'space emoticons' and 'spaceships' being surrounded by them... . . .
Two-bit Gin Joint
fluffykerfuffle Posted May 9, 2008
. ... . .. .glances at her watch which is pinned to her suit jacket bodice and realizes that it has been 68 days since he replied... and she also realizes that he hasn't moved... in fact nothing in the room has actually moved... except for her... and it dawns on her... . .. .
oh my god it is MY reality that has been removed... like a still photograph... taken, moved away and put away somewhere... only... i have been CAPTURED within it...
. ... . with a beginning of desperation, she looks warily around the room... then frantically... searching for a window... and... finally! she spies the glint of glass behind a small dusty curtain in a corner . ... .
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Two-bit Gin Joint
- 21: fluffykerfuffle (Feb 25, 2008)
- 22: fluffykerfuffle (Feb 25, 2008)
- 23: Aximili (Feb 25, 2008)
- 24: Aximili (Feb 25, 2008)
- 25: fluffykerfuffle (Feb 25, 2008)
- 26: fluffykerfuffle (Feb 25, 2008)
- 27: Aximili (Feb 25, 2008)
- 28: fluffykerfuffle (Feb 25, 2008)
- 29: Aximili (Feb 26, 2008)
- 30: fluffykerfuffle (Feb 27, 2008)
- 31: fluffykerfuffle (Feb 27, 2008)
- 32: fluffykerfuffle (Feb 29, 2008)
- 33: Aximili (Feb 29, 2008)
- 34: fluffykerfuffle (Mar 2, 2008)
- 35: fluffykerfuffle (Mar 20, 2008)
- 36: fluffykerfuffle (Mar 20, 2008)
- 37: fluffykerfuffle (Mar 20, 2008)
- 38: fluffykerfuffle (Mar 24, 2008)
- 39: fluffykerfuffle (Apr 6, 2008)
- 40: fluffykerfuffle (May 9, 2008)
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