A Conversation for S.M.P.
Pirate Alexander LeGray Started conversation Feb 18, 2008
I don't want to be a private; when I was in the cadets I was the most qualified private anywhere.
My commanding officer, a former spitfire pilot said, he wouldn't insult me by giving me rank. eh! He insulted his son, and a load of animal types who kept pushing me around.
But I don't like responsibility either, and do not like exercising authority.
So, is it alright if I just sit here and mind my own business, interjecting infrequently.
Anyway, everybodys' the same in socialism, arn't they?
ps Can't get my smiley to work.
Arisztid Lugosi Posted Feb 26, 2008
Sure, you can just sit here and mind your own business.
We just have ranks to keep things tidy I think
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