A Conversation for Space, Time and Stuff Like That...
Peer Review: A3443870 - Space, Time and Stuff Like That...
TimeTravelersAlmanac Started conversation Dec 24, 2004
Entry: Space, Time and Stuff Like That... - A3443870
Author: TimeTravelersAlmanac - U1215328
Greetings Earthlings!
I wonder if anyone would care to review my humble entry into the Guide?
Thanking you in anticipation of your kind assistance.
Peer Review: A3443870 - Space, Time and Stuff Like That...
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Dec 27, 2004
As I have said elsewhere, in the <./>AggGag</.>CAC-C thread, regarding this entry:
"A very good tribute to the style and manner of humour and irony inspired by the h2g2 founder, Douglas Adams. Well done!"
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Peer Review: A3443870 - Space, Time and Stuff Like That...
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