A Conversation for At Home With Sho

hi sho, and all the others asociated with SG-1 entry

Post 1

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

i've been reading around and i'd like to say a few not very useful things.

-the entry you guys are working on is significantly better than the fiery fred one and is much more suitable for the gude. this is not an insult to her, just a comment from someone who spends a lot of time in peer review. yours is better because you are much more systematic in getting the information across, you dont asume things the reader knows, and it's generaly better organise....well done.

-a suggestion for dealing with plot/season development. unusually for a scow fi SG-1 is quite slow to develop the major plot archs, so in a way what is true of season one is also true of season three etc. but you will find increasingly that you are out of date. on the other hand spoilers are a bitch. other entires in h2g2 such as the buffy and angel ones are also sufering form this problem....i'm sure you heard what happened in the 100th ep of buffy, but how to put that in without spoiling it for someone.so here's a suggestion which you are welcom to ignore if you think it's crap or impracticale.
have a central SG-1 page...the one you've done and get it edited. link it to an SG-1 links page, which remains unedited. on the links page put links to a page for each season. as they are finished they can gradually be edited, and then people need only look at what seasons the want. this also give you the advantage that you could add films and stuff if they ever make one. the links page would also be goos for links to external web sights. added advantage of setting up like this is if a link fails moderation only the links page is hidden and then it is easy to get it reinstated, the entry remains visible at all times.

-regarding seasons....if you decide to devote some time to them here are suggestions for what could go on a season page. an episode list. a list of extra cast members, famous guest stars (ie. that one where peter wingfiled appeared, and armin shimmerman) and notes on cast members who are killed off or replaced by another actor(if this happens, i dont pay enough attention). you could either do a brief summery of each ep or do a season summery out lining the major story archs that are played out and which ones continue to the next season or continue from the past one. this way you could write about season 5 of you've seen it, nobody gets spoiled. happiness all round.

-regarding the page as it stands......it's great! the guide ML is really tidy. there is the odd phrasing oddity etc, but i'd not worry about that till you get to want to submit for review.

-another thing i'd add, probably to the main page, is a note about videos and books that are available and if you can find any clean links to fanfiction bung them in too .......or do yu write all of it and not want us to see! i have to confess all the fan fics i have read have been rather in the NC-17 side.....so i dont recommend linking to them!

anyway, this got rather long, sorry about that!

i might even think of something else later!

good luck and keep up the good work


hi sho, and all the others asociated with SG-1 entry

Post 2

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

i nearly deleted that by mistake! smiley - yikes

hi sho, and all the others asociated with SG-1 entry

Post 3

Sho - employed again!

oh thanks for that, it has been on a back burner (I got sucked into fic writing and that's lethal)

But thanks for the comments. I tried to get hold of firey, she has a great Stargate webbie, but I think she might have left us smiley - sadface

So, I plan to get this done over the next few months...

Regarding links to fic... that's not so difficult, because there are some good not NC-17 sites out there, although I'm guilty of writing the odd slash thing, so a link to mine is not a good idea.

Mind if I/we pick your brain from time to time?

hi sho, and all the others asociated with SG-1 entry

Post 4

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

sure thing, as long as you dont mind similar slashy overtones.......

smiley - laugh

it's no *fun* if they're not all bonking like bunnies is it?!

hi sho, and all the others asociated with SG-1 entry

Post 5

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

i love the SG-1 crossed over with sentinal.....they seem to work very well

hi sho, and all the others asociated with SG-1 entry

Post 6

Sho - employed again!

Do you write fic? It's a strange thing this slash, I only read some because the het stuff was getting to shippy for me and...


I started writing the flaming stuff!

Anyway, on the subject in hand:

I've been scribbling away today, and think, on reflection that it would be better just to provide links for stuff like an episode/actor guide etc. Since you also obviously like Stargate you surely know that there are about a gazillion sites out there that do a better job than we could do here (plus I'm way way too lazy to do it myself!)

So, I'm going to hunt out some links, then get them in here and that will be it I think.

and whaddya mean they're all not bonking like bunnies? In my head Jack and Daniel are, to put it bluntly, at it like mink!

hi sho, and all the others asociated with SG-1 entry

Post 7

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

yep! totally at it.

i'll have to try and hunt down some more stargate fics, i tend to end up stuck at 852 because i just love the sentinel fics. x files and buffy are pretty good too, but i havent really got as far as SG1 except where its came linked to someting else


hi sho, and all the others asociated with SG-1 entry

Post 8

Sho - employed again!

I could be a shameless self publicist and point you at mine....

hi sho, and all the others asociated with SG-1 entry

Post 9

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

go for it, it just might take me a while to get round to reading it,....jim and blair are bussy boffing and i want to watch!


hi sho, and all the others asociated with SG-1 entry

Post 10

Sho - employed again!

who is blair? There's loads of Blair stuff on Area52 (the slash Stargate Archive... oh, probably shouldn't have said that!!)

ok, mine is at


Yep, I'm afraid I'm MajorClanger in the world of Stargate fic!

hi sho, and all the others asociated with SG-1 entry

Post 11

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page


blair as in the sentinal! dont say you havent read any?!?!?

ok, best archive ever for sentinal is 852 prospect, i'll send you the link but pick it up quick in case we get moderated.



hi sho, and all the others asociated with SG-1 entry

Post 12

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

ok, i've found you and heliopolis which was linked from your age, but i cant seem to to track down Area52. could you give me a clue to save me some time or do i have to head off for the slash data base project?

hi sho, and all the others asociated with SG-1 entry

Post 13

Sho - employed again!

I soooooooooooooooooo love meeting fellow slashers!


if you don't get it, you have my site now, you can always mail me!!

*runs off to read sentinel stuff*

hi sho, and all the others asociated with SG-1 entry

Post 14

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

smiley - run


hi sho, and all the others asociated with SG-1 entry

Post 15

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

i love the majorclanger picture on your homepage.....very classy. havent had chance to read your fic yet......


hi sho, and all the others asociated with SG-1 entry

Post 16

Sho - employed again!

my friend made him for me, we call him Lord Clangu'ur.

Just posted up two more (not slash) so.... get reading!

hi sho, and all the others asociated with SG-1 entry

Post 17

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

yeah i will honest!

i'm in the middle of a long and involved thing at the moment, i'll at yours next.


hi sho, and all the others asociated with SG-1 entry

Post 18

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page


have a nice little sentinal fic i just found....


hi sho, and all the others asociated with SG-1 entry

Post 19

Sho - employed again!

thanks, I've dl and will read it later.

hi sho, and all the others asociated with SG-1 entry

Post 20

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

it's not very long, but it is rather funny

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