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Merry Xmas :-)

Post 1


Oh Foggie you big softy smiley - smiley. This is a really great Xmas story and full of Xmas magic. The story was well told and well paced too, it would be easy when writing to want to rush through to the little twist at the end. I seriously think this shows very good technical skills and is a well crafted piece. I hope you are pleased with it and others will take the time to read and comment on it.

I really enjoyed reading this.

Merry Xmas smiley - magic

Merry Xmas :-)

Post 2


Hello there! The big sofy here, lol. Thanks very much for your message, glad you enjoyed the story, I guess I still have a sense of Xmas magic in me somewhere! Sorry you were confused, I posted it on both h2g2 and GW.

I've never really tried to get any work published, well not yet anyway!

Happy Xmas to you also.

Have a great one,

Foggy smiley - magic

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