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Alternative Writing Workshop: A3425393 - Christmas Magic

Post 1


Entry: Christmas Magic - A3425393
Author: Flameofgold - U645857

A short story about Christmas.

A3425393 - Christmas Magic

Post 2


smiley - braveOnce again Foggy, you've managed to bring a tear to my jaded eyes.

Memories, both past and present, are welling up within. Remembrance of youth, when Santa was as real as you or I. The look in my son's eyes on Chistmas morn, all the the magic and splender that is shared from one generation to the next.

You've caught a piece in a bottle, all bright and shiny, and put it up on display. And when the light is right, and the surface becomes a mirror, you can catch a glimpse of the true spirit of the season within.

A truer gift none could recieve. Thank you.smiley - rose


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Alternative Writing Workshop: A3425393 - Christmas Magic

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