A Conversation for Biltong

Biltong - I love it

Post 1


I used to live there (S. Africa) for 4 years, I ate it every day and it never done me any harm.
However going cold turkey was difficult - I spent £700 chewing my way trough some
Doc Martins.

me too

Post 2


Biltong is cured meat, treated with salt and spices, hung in a cool place to dry out.
Your forefathers used to eat the stuff when no fast food joints were available, and
moving had to be done by wagon and over a period of weeks. just like dried fruit.
Enige Suid Afrikaner sal kan saamstem dat daar nie 'n lekkerder ding in die kultuur is
as biltong nie!

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Biltong - I love it

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