Talking Point: Perfect Timing

8 Conversations

Section of a clockface.
Once again the cry rang out across the land: 'Argh, I'm late, the clocks went forward!'

For many of us there's an inevitability that, regardless of how many times we're reminded beforehand, we are always caught out by the UK's 'daylight saving time' measures - not such a bad thing in the autumn, when we're graced with an unexpected extra hour in the day, but in spring, when an hour is stolen from us, it can be a mean trick.

The concept of lengthening daylight hours dates back to ancient Roman times, yet it was William Willett (born in Surrey on August 10, 1856) who suggested the modern convention to which we currently adhere. Willett insisted that the measures were necessary in order to make better use of the early daylight hours - a reasonable proposition, surely? However, the annual changes can impact negatively on farming, cause confusion with travel schedules and time-keeping appliances, and even wreak havoc with television ratings.

What are your thoughts on DST? We'd love to hear from you!

  • Are you usually caught out by the annual time shifts? Were you caught out by the recent adjustment?

  • Does it take days for you to adjust when changes are made, as Dr Neil Stanley suggests?

  • How would you be affected personally if daylight saving time measures weren't implemented? Doesn't DST in the UK just mean an extra hour of grey skies anyway?

  • What are your thoughts on Tim Yeo's Energy Saving Bill? Do you think we should change the current DST system?

  • Do you procrastinate in altering the clocks around your house and workplace, leaving them to tell the wrong time for weeks on end? (If so, spare a thought for Roman Piekarski!)

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