A Conversation for Talking Point: Perfect Timing
American DST
shagbark Started conversation Apr 7, 2008
For many years The United States had Daylight savings time from
the first sunday in april until the last sunday in October.
This worked well for the ones on the eastern edges of time zones but not so well on the western edges.
Then President Bush and his advisors got the idea to extend the season- thereby saving on energy costs.
so in 2008 Americans sprang Forward on March 9th and will stay there until they fall back on November 2nd.
Countless homes on the western edge of time zones now used so much artificial lighting in the mornings during March that places like Detroit, or Indianapolis spent more energy in the mornings than they conserved in the evenings. DST may be a good idea for May,June,July, August and September- but it is a very bad idea for March.
American DST
shagbark Posted Apr 7, 2008
If this Hickory tree wrote US Policy he would exempt the states of
MI,IN,AZ,UT,and ID from observing Daylight Savings Time.
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American DST
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