A Conversation for The Birmingham Rock Scene

Writing Workshop: A3370240 - The Birmingham Rock Scene

Post 1


Entry: The Birmingham Rock Scene - A3370240
Author: JabberIPS - U1161863

Just seeing what you guys think... It's a Work in progress... gotta add in more stuf fother than just pubs/clubs and gotta branhch outta the city centre...

Er... and the intor needs working on

A3370240 - The Birmingham Rock Scene

Post 2


smiley - wow this brings back memories, the first thing I entered into the Guide was an entry on the Birmingham Gay Scene.

I don't know much about the rock scene in Brum though, so I don't know much about the content. smiley - wah

Perhaps how good the Rock Scene is compared to other rock scenes? Maybe a definition of Rock? Maybe go into how people dress? How expensive is it?

I don't know, only some ideas..

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Writing Workshop: A3370240 - The Birmingham Rock Scene

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