A Conversation for Roman Military Ranks

who does what

Post 1

Taff Agent of kaos

perhaps comparisons to modern ranks for responsability perposes should be included, who digs the latrines, who would be a guard comander, who can order floggings etc.

centurion seems to be a rank that could be anything from a Sgt. to a Maj.

and maybe show the makeup of the legion from the bottom up to give it some perspective

like the modern army
2x4 man fire teams = section, cpl+l/cpl commanding
3x8 man section = platoon ltn + sgt commaning + comand section(rad op, driver medic etc.)
3x30 man platoon = company Maj + csm commanding + command Platoon(rad section drivers cooks medics etc.)

just a thoughtsmiley - biggrin


smiley - bat

who does what

Post 2


perhaps comparisons to modern ranks for responsability perposes should be included, who digs the latrines, who would be a guard comander, who can order floggings etc.
>>modern comparisons are confuseing inaccurate<<

centurion seems to be a rank that could be anything from a Sgt. to a Maj.
>>That is what confuses people ther are so many centurion ranks<<

and maybe show the makeup of the legion from the bottom up to give it some perspective
>>I will take a look, I thought I had done that they are in order top down in the entry, is it confusein then?<<

like the modern army
2x4 man fire teams = section, cpl+l/cpl commanding
3x8 man section = platoon ltn + sgt commaning + comand section(rad op, driver medic etc.)
3x30 man platoon = company Maj + csm commanding + command Platoon(rad section drivers cooks medics etc.)
>>problem it aint like the modern army and approximate ranks will confuse, and if non Brits read it it will confuse evenmore. Your thoughts.<<

who does what

Post 3

Taff Agent of kaos

if you started the exlapations from the bottom up

tiro new recruit
miles foot solier does the fighting
8 to an octus commanded by a decus

3 of these to 1 of them and for everey xx man you get a standard/ eagle
and 2 of those makes one of them and then you add an egg mix well cook for 35mins..........

that way people can start to picture the legion and the structure and where people fit in and equate thier own values to the ranks

cpl/ supervisor/ line manager etc.

starting from the top down everyone thinks!general!

and you soon have all officers with funny names and no fighting men

smiley - bat

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