A Conversation for First Contact

Contact with First Contact

Post 1


This is a great idea. If it were mine, I'd put Mrs E and the others aside and try to work this up for "real" publication. I'm not trying to flatter you or make you feel good, but I think that publishers and movie-makers could buy your idea and the storyline that you seem to be working up.
My impression of h2g2 so far is that it is a place for writers, not for readers, and I think this story will be wasted if it stays here.
(I'm having a holiday away from the internet for a month.)
Good luck with it.

Contact with First Contact

Post 2

Tibley Bobley

Thank you Fly. It's very nice of you. I'd considered the First Contact story finished. In fact, I was concerned that it was already possibly too long (almost 4000 words). As I mentioned, I have trouble concentrating on anything that gets too long and complicated, because of the pain and the pain-killers I take to control it. Since I started doing the stories, my concentration has definitely improved, but I found the last Mrs Endhouse story quite a challenge. The 2 parts are about 8000 words - my longest story yet - and I reckon that's about my limit. I do appreciate your positive comments and encouraging suggestions (and I am flattered by the way). And I wish I could oblige with something more substantial but I'm stuck in this particular reality. Actually, it's this limiting reality that gives rise to all the fantasy I write. If the pain didn't nail me down and stop me doing anything else, I'd be doing something elsesmiley - laugh

Hope you have a good holiday!

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