Imperator (UG)

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Official UnderGuide Entry


Imperator stands tall among men, showing no sign in his spine of the stoop which afflicts his mind.

He possesses the raw charisma which makes his subjects swoon and fall to their knees in deference.

He was always destined to rule other men.


Imperator wields tragic power over his dominions, his statue challenging all to deny his supremacy.

His gaze sweeps the continents of the globe and his eyes show only a cool, calculating interest.

Awe is simply something lesser men feel - towards Imperator.


Imperator sits on his throne as a god, the supreme being whose eyes are like lightning.

He will die for his deification.

For men can mildly deal with other men, but gods can only be killed.


Men always kill their gods, and that is why the marble is stained crimson today.

And the lifeblood of the Imperium drains away.

And Imperator Nova ascends the still-bloody steps to the roar of the crowd, exalted.

No matter how many of us you kill, you will never kill your successor.

- Seneca speaking to Roman Emperor Nero

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