A Conversation for Radio Thursday

Radio Thursday

Post 1


Hello and welcome to Radio Thursday on this, the first ever Thursday morning during the Campaign.

I'm your host, Alex, and I'll be keeping you up to date with all the new stuff that happens.

Feel free to phone in with your questions - I will answer them as best I can... smiley - biggrin

Radio Thursday

Post 2


So, to get started, I would like to welcome:

Simetra [U870407],
NAITA [U75717],
Recumbentman [U208656],
Master B [U190397],
Ottox [U150740],
Skenvoy [U198983],
bubba-fretts [U781921],
Santragenius V [U62867], and
Hel 2 [U222700]

to the Campaign. smiley - hug

You made the right decision. smiley - biggrin

Radio Thursday

Post 3


'Night all!smiley - sleepy

In the meanwhile, here's some music to listen to: A3324070.smiley - whistle

Radio Thursday

Post 4


And a big hello to all the intelligent life forms out there, especially

What_is_life U891458, and
AlecTrician U173341

And for all you Thingites - the secret is to rub the rocks together guys! smiley - biggrin

Radio Thursday

Post 5


I'd like to make a sincere apology to ShazzPRME - there was some confusion on my part, and I mistook an article by Clive the Flying Ostrich for being one written by Shazz.

I have corrected the error in the manifesto claiming that ShazzPRME started the Thingites...

smiley - sorry

Radio Thursday

Post 6


The Logo and Banner now contain a link to the Thursday home page! smiley - wow

Radio Thursday

Post 7


The job of Radio Thursday Host is up for grabs - you get control of Radio Thursday Two and its page smiley - wow.

If there are several applications then I will add stations if necessary...smiley - biggrin

Radio Thursday

Post 8


We have a new member! A warm welcome to Blackberry Cat [U516189], our 13th member... smiley - biggrin

Radio Thursday

Post 9


And another one! A big "Hi there" to Lady Admiral Ayeka [U193180] smiley - biggrin

Radio Thursday

Post 10


smiley - wow You just can't stop them! smiley - biggrin

A generally extremely pleasant "hello" to moke [U1132412] smiley - biggrin

Radio Thursday

Post 11


And now for something completely different - some more members!smiley - biggrin

Just in time for the festive period, here are Colonel creachy [U211544] and Captain Khamsin [U251058]! smiley - biggrin

Radio Thursday

Post 12


Oh, and Captain Khamsin is eating all of the smiley - choc we can give him... smiley - laugh

Radio Thursday

Post 13


And now we have yet another new member smiley - biggrin

Defecting over to the side with more smiley - choc is Sergeant Mushroom [U161997] smiley - biggrin

Radio Thursday

Post 14


No one tries to join for ages, so then I offer free chocolate and JC [U1182639] immediately turns up. smiley - biggrin

Radio Thursday

Post 15


They always come in twos (except when they turn up in threes, fours etc) - please welcome beccy [U977238] - possibly the 20th member... I'm not sure yet. smiley - erm

Radio Thursday

Post 16


So they come in fours - redpeckhamthegrate [U528654] and tyrone [U515979] have also joined up smiley - biggrin

Radio Thursday

Post 17


And now JC has found an unofficial Thursdayite. Getting a free membership is Kiolok Destroyer of Worlds [U1169594].

Radio Thursday

Post 18


We are top of the busiest conversations list!!! smiley - biggrin

Radio Thursday

Post 19


Not including 1st and 2nd - always Ask and Forum...

5 Busiest Conversations
1. Ask the h2g2 Community
2. The Forum
3. The Campaign for Thursday
4. The Manifesto for the Campaign to rename Thursday, "Thing"

Radio Thursday

Post 20


A warm welcome to smiley - yawn [U520722] and 2 legs [U169793]. smiley - biggrin

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