Fantasy Krikkit 2008 - All-rounders

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Fantasy Krikkit
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All-rounders |
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Please select one all-rounder from the following list. You also have a choice of picking a second all-rounder or an additional bowler. Remember that only three players from any one County may appear in your team.

Ricki Clarke Derbyshire
Greg Smith Derbyshire
Graham Wagg Derbyshire
Gareth Breese Durham
Ravi Bopara Essex
James Middlebrook Essex
Graham Napier Essex
Ryan ten Doeschate Essex
Robert Croft Glamorgan
Jamie Dalyrymple Glamorgan
Ryan Watkins Glamorgan
Alex Wharf Glamorgan
Kadeer Ali Gloucestershire
Dave Burton Gloucestershire
Mark Hardinges Gloucestershire
Sean Ervine Hampshire
Greg Lamb Hampshire
Dimitri Mascarenhas Hampshire
Yasir Arafat Kent
Azhar Mahmood Kent
Ryan McLaren Kent
Dominic Cork Lancashire
Jim Allenby Leicestershire
Jeremy Snape Leicestershire
Tim Murtagh Middlesex
Nicky Boje Northamptonshire
Lance Klusener Northamptonshire
Graeme White Northamptonshire
Mark Ealham Nottinghamshire
Paul Franks Nottinghamshire
Graeme Swann Nottinghamshire
Ian Blackwell Somerset
Ben Phillips Somerset
Alfonso Thomas Somerset
Peter Trego Somerset
Chris Jordan Surrey
Matt Nicholson Surrey
Robin Martin-Jenkins Sussex
Ant Botha Warwickshire
Neil Carter Warwickshire
Tim Goenewald Warwickshire
Luke Parker Warwickshire
Gareth Batty Worcestershire
Adil Rashid Yorkshire

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