A Conversation for Smudger Snippets

Good to see it wasnt only me

Post 1

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

Glad to see some one else knew who he was and noted his passing.I posted it up in my journal entery.

I never got the impression he was making it up though. He seemed to know his stuff to well.

I had a technology teacher who was just like fred dibnah. Such confidence and authority over any subject. He even convinced me that walking was a sport, and that it was much harder then i had originally thought.

I think everyone needs to meet a Dibnah in there life. i was lucky and got to meet a real life one. Those that didnt had the man himself.

Good to see it wasnt only me

Post 2


When I said that about him making it up, I meant that he was so casual you would never have known that he must have studied all those details like dates ect first.
I thought he was great, a one of, and I only wish now that I had taped some of his shows. He can never be replaced!
smiley - cheersSmudger,

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