A Conversation for Ironing


Post 21


It depends which language you are spelling it in!! If you go for an Eastern European one I would think that you should ditch all the vowels!!!..try ggggrrrrrmmmpppphhhhh smiley - smiley


Post 22


Yeah, s'pose so. Unless of course it is a Slavo-European language in which case it would be suffixed with 'ov' or 'ski'.

Just out of curiosity, have you seen this 'Chat & date'line advertised on TV. If not, it is one of these premium rate message services for sad blokes to call and meet the 'partner of their dreams'.

All very sleazy. The ad is set in a club full of very happy, attractive and seemingly well adjusted young ladies dancing the night away. How is this designed to get you to call?? Surely one should be looking for the nightclub where the ad is set and not wasting my hard earned money calling............


Post 23


Indeed!! You've seen right through that haven't you smiley - smileyI guess that there aren't many happy,well-adjusted young ladies sitting at home by the telephone anyway..they are all online in h2g2 smiley - smileysmiley - smiley


Post 24

Cheerful Dragon

I certainly am, some of the time. Mind you it depends on:

(a) Your definition of well-adjusted
(b) Your definition of young.

Besides, I'm not available. Sorry. (Actually, I'm not sorry 'cos I'm very happily married.)


Post 25


smiley - smiley As are most of the h2g2 crowd no doubt!! I wasn't trying to infer anything there Dragon...just imputting a witty reply !! smiley - smileysmiley - bigeyes

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