A Conversation for The Empire State Building

Collaborative Writing Workshop: A3213 - The Empire State Building

Post 1

Oberon2001 (Scout)

Entry: The Empire State Building - A3213
Author: Rasta Sadhu - U168511

I think this entry could go all the way if it expanded away from simply the penny dropping, into describing the actual building. smiley - smiley

A3213 - The Empire State Building

Post 2

Trout Montague

Coincidentally, I'm working on an Entry for Tall Buildings, and have heaps of data on the ESB.

Am willing to donate if required.

Dr Trout

A3213 - The Empire State Building

Post 3

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

We should certainly have an Edited entry about the ESB smiley - biggrin

There has to mention of the speed with which it went up - I heard or read somewhere last week that... hmmm, now I can't recall the figures smiley - flustered Something about 14 floors being added in two days, but that can't be right smiley - erm

A3213 - The Empire State Building

Post 4

Trout Montague

A storey a day, roughly. Thanks to the modular prefabricated construction.

A 10t B25 plane crashed into it's 79th floor in 1945, killing 14.

A3213 - The Empire State Building

Post 5

Oberon2001 (Scout)

just had a look at the author of this entry's personal space, looks like his been inactive for a loooooooong time! You fancy doing an entry on the ESB Dr Trout? smiley - smiley I reckon there should be one in the edited guide.

A3213 - The Empire State Building

Post 6

Trout Montague

I'm sure I could write something, but it would be somewhat fraudulent. The nearest I've been to the ESB is the Strato-something tower in Las Vegas!

A3213 - The Empire State Building

Post 7

Trout Montague

What I mean is that it would benefit from being written by someone who'd been to the top, like Tom Hanks for example.

A3213 - The Empire State Building

Post 8

Jimi X

smiley - laugh

There's plenty of New York based researchers that might be able to help out with this one...

But you might need to contact them personally, a good place to find 'em is at the NE Researchers Group A565940

smiley - cheers

- Jimi X

A3213 - The Empire State Building

Post 9

Trout Montague

All right - the draft Entry is here A854237 ... let me know and I'll dip it into WW ... there's certainly a bit more to go.

Dr Trout

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