A Conversation for Talking Point: Faking It
social hypocrisy
oscar-1988 Started conversation Feb 17, 2008
hello! im a new member in h2g2.well,i would like to start my first conversation talking about hypocrisy in society. is it true that we wear tha mask of hypocrisy all the time when talking or dealing with others? or it is just an illusion. is that mask is worn to feign the good morals that we do not possess?
social hypocrisy
The H2G2 Editors Posted Feb 18, 2008
Hello there Oscar and welcome to h2g2! That's an interesting question you raise but can we suggest you ask it again here:
This is a better place I think for general questions; it's called Ask h2g2 and you should get some response. All the best and have fun.
social hypocrisy
FordsTowel Posted Feb 18, 2008
Oscar: I felt intriqued by your question, so I've started a thread with your questions at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/F19585?thread=5115182 Welcome to the hootoo universe!
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social hypocrisy
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